Thursday 13 January 2011

Big Society & Volunteer Management

What does the Big Society mean to you? Are you clear what it is? How will it affect you as a Volunteer Manager? What will it mean to you as a Volunteer? How will it help you influence what happens in your own neighbourhood? 

We are told that there will be 5000 Neighbourhood Organisers recruited and trained, but that they will not be paid. Who will be identifying them, what will be their mandate and why would they do it without pay? How will they work within the existing structures and how can we as volunteer managers work with them?

How will the planned introduction of a national civic service programme affect us as volunteer managers? If there is an increase in volunteers, do we have a need for them and do we have the capacity to manage them? Will the cost of management out- weigh the benefits to the organisation?

With the emphasis on volunteering, will there be a requirement for charities and community organisations to increase their volunteer numbers in exchange for funding for their activities?

If, as is expected, voluntary organisations will be delivering extra services, will funding be available?

These are the types of questions we will be discussing at our next forum meeting which will be held at the Fordbridge Centre on Friday January 21st.

Mark Rogers, Chief Executive of Solihull Council will be joining us for the first part of the meeting and will participate in the discussion and answer any questions which you might like to put to him. For those of you who are unable to join us, but who have a question which you would like to put to Mark Rogers, please comment with details below and we will raise the question on your behalf.